Academic Programmes

  • Certificate in Christian-Muslim Relations

As part of CISEA’s mandate and commitment to promote good neighbourliness, with people of other faiths, with an emphasis on the Muslim communities, and based on the biblical imperative of ‘Love God and love your neighbour’ (Matt. 22:36-40), as exemplified by the parable of ‘The Good Samaritan’ (Lk. 10:25-37), CISEA offers a non-credit certificate course on Christian-Muslim relations.

The course is premised on two principles:

  1. That Christians must get their house in order as they seek to promote Christian constructive engagement and good relations with Muslims as people of the Islamic faith.
  2. That for such a relationship to be fruitful and enriching, it may not be carried out in ignorance, but with an informed knowledge of the basics of the Muslim neighbour’s faith and practice.

The non-credit certificate course provides the opportunity for those in ministry in all churches, ordained and lay, including the Presbyterian Church of Ghana, who seek to understand the basic foundational and contemporary principles of Christian-Muslim relations, with the objective of:

  1. Working for peace in the wider society and peaceful co-existence between Christians and their Muslim neighbours, as they seek to emulate Jesus Christ who is Himself the ‘Prince of Peace’ (Is. 9:6).
  2. Embarking on faithful Christian witness in an interfaith environment of Christians and Muslims that respects the spirit of good neighbourliness, and in fulfilment of the mandate given by Jesus to his disciples to be His ‘witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the earth’ (Acts 1:8).

The course run online over a five-month period of five modules. Each module covers five days in a month.