Faith to Action Women’s Conference (FAWC)

The Faith to Action Women’s Conference (FAWC) is an annual gathering of women from Christian, Muslim and Traditional Leadership, with the aim to inspire and empower them to transform their religious faiths into action for the peace and development of the society.

Since its inception in 2011, the FAWC has provided opportunities for hundreds of women of faith from different Christian denominations and Islamic sects in Ghana as well as other African American, and European, countries to benefit from insightful presentations and discussions from respective religious perspective on health, social, economic and environmental themes as they relate to Women and religion.

The themes addressed in previous years were as follows:

2011 – Women in Religion: Their Role as Agents for Peace and Development

2012 – Women in the fight Against Diseases and Poverty

2013 – Empowering Women in Religion for the Use of God’s Given Resources

2014 – Women in Religion Called to be Agents of Justice and Integrity.

2015 – Women, Climate Justice and Sustainable Peace

2016 – Women as Agents of Conflict Transformation, Reconciliation and Development

2017 – Women of Faith and Nation Building

2018 – Religious Terrorism and Peaceful Coexistence: The Role of Women

2019 – Women of Faith nurturing a Virtuous Society

2020 – No conference due to COVID restrictions.

2021 – Promoting Good Neighbourliness; The Role of Women

There have been many encouraging participants’ testimonies of how these conferences have empowered them for effective service but also dispel interreligious prejudices.